Friday, August 14, 2009


Millions of salmon fail to turn up in Canada
AFP - Friday, August 14

OTTAWA (AFP) - - Millions of salmon have mysteriously failed to turn up in a Canadian river as part of their annual spawning, leaving experts baffled and the local fishing industry in despair.

The Canadian government's Department of Fisheries and Oceans projected that between six and 10 million sockeye salmon would return to the Fraser river this month.

But the official count for the annual 'summer run' -- by far the largest of four salmon migrations that see millions of fish return to Canada's lakes and rivers from the Pacific each year from June to late August -- is now just 600,000.

Where the others went remains a mystery.

Local fishermen, quoted by the daily Globe and Mail, described the situation as "shocking," a "catastrophe" and a "crisis," while public broadcaster CBC said 2009 could end up being the worst year ever for the industry.

A record number of salmon smolts were born in the Fraser in 2005 and migrated to the ocean. Nature dictates that most of them should have returned by now to spawn.

"It's a bit of a mystery," Stan Proboszcz, an expert fish biologist from the Watershed Watch Salmon Society, told AFP.

"Honestly, we don't know what happens to them when they go out into the ocean," he said. "There's a myriad of factors that could explain what's going on." It is "quite shocking," he added.

Officials and ecologists speculated the salmon could have been affected by warmer ocean temperatures, fewer food sources, or juvenile salmon may have contracted sea lice or other infections from some 30 fish farms in the Strait of Georgia as they migrated out to sea.

Proboszcz, however, suggested that fishing industry officials may have miscalculated their complex forecasts or that the fish could just be late arriving -- although he conceded the latter theory was highly unlikely.

Wild salmon are under threat in many rivers of the north Pacific and north Atlantic because of overfishing at sea.

Environmental groups in Canada, Norway and Scotland have been fierce critics of salmon farms because of fears over sea lice -- naturally occurring parasites of wild salmon that latch onto the fishes' skin in the open ocean.

Salmon farms are a haven for these parasites, which adult salmon can survive but which small, thin-skinned juveniles are vulnerable to, especially when heading from the river to the sea.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans spokeswoman Lara Sloan said the main Fraser river fishery had not opened due to the drop in numbers and that another local fishery had scaled back this season's catch to just five percent of the norm. No recreational fishing has been allowed.

Sloan would not be drawn on the reason behind the lack of fish.

"There are a lot of variations in the ocean," she said. "They're all interconnected, so it's impossible to point to one reason for this happening.

"So far, they're not coming back in the numbers we expected, but we will continue to look for them."

Other species, pink salmon and chum salmon, are due to arrive around the end of August through October. So far there is no indication they have been affected.

Chinook salmon are also returning to spawn in the region, but they have been a "conservation concern" for several years, and their numbers remain low.

US consumer inflation in steepest drop since 1950


AFP - 2 hours 20 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AFP) - - US consumer prices held unchanged in July, leaving a year-over-year drop that was the steepest since 1950, government data showed Friday.


The Labor Department said its consumer price index (CPI) was flat in the month of July as small declines in food and energy prices offset a small increase in all other components.

Most analysts had forecast that the seasonally adjusted CPI would be flat as the world's largest economy struggles in its worst recession since the Great Depression.

"The overriding message in the report is that inflation is not a problem at this point," analysts said in a client note.

On a 12-month basis, consumer prices fell 2.1 percent from July 2008, the sharpest plunge since 1950.

However, a year ago inflation was high due to surging food and energy prices. After the collapse of Wall Street investment bank Lehman Brothers in September triggered a global financial meltdown and worldwide recession, consumer prices have fallen in the face of weak demand.

The Labor Department left unrevised a 0.7 percent leap in the June CPI, the strongest rise since July 2008. The increase was due to a jump in gasoline prices and had followed three months of virtually flat inflation.

In July, core CPI, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, rose 0.1 percent, slowing from a 0.2 percent rise in June, the department said.

Core CPI was up 1.5 percent from July 2008, compared with a 1.7 percent annualized rise in June.

Those inflation levels are considered to be within the comfort zone for the Federal Reserve in setting monetary policy.

The Fed this week maintained its exceptionally low key interest rate near zero, as expected, to support the ailing economy and reiterated its outlook for subdued inflation.

Energy prices in July fell 0.4 percent, following a 7.4 percent leap in June, and were 28.1 percent below the year-ago level, the department said.

Food prices dropped 0.3 percent, the strongest monthly decline since May 2002. On an annual basis, July food prices were up 0.9 percent.

Services prices were stable in July. Housing services, including rentals, fell 0.2 percent, their sharpest drop since 1982.

In a separate report, the department said the average hourly wage rose 0.2 percent in July, after falling 1.2 percent in June.

Rabbani vocalist Asri dies of heart attack.

Rabbani vocalist Asri dies of heart attack
14/08/2009 2:18am

KUALA LUMPUR Aug 13 — The vocalist of the Malaysian nasyid group, Rabbani, Mohd Asri Ibrahim, died of a heart attack at the Pantai Medical Centre, here today. He was 40.

Mohd Asri collapsed during a recording of a television programme in Angkasapuri about 10.30am and was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead at 11am.

His brother-in-law, Adha Buyong, said Asri, who was born on Aug 3, 1969, in Klang, Selangor, was also suffering from hypertension and diabetes.

“This morning, he complained of not feeling well and vomiting, but insisted on completing the recording of the Syahadah programme for RTM (Radio Television Malaysia),” he said when met at the hospital here.

Asri leaves behind a wife Halizah Shahzan, 39, and six children.

He was laid to rest at the Shah Alam City Council Muslim cemetery in Section 21, Shah Alam, Selangor, after the Asar prayer.

Asri joined the nine-member nasyid group since its establishment in March 1997.

Other members of the group are Mohd Asri Baidul @ Ubaidullah, Azadan Abdul Aziz, Muhammad Luqman Abd Aziz, Muhammad Rithauddeen Yaakob, Mohamad Afandi Shahbudin, Ahmad Shafie, Nazrul Azhar Tamrin and Zulkiflee Azman.

Rabbani bagged the Most Popular Nasyid Group/Artist award of the Berita Harian’s Anugerah Bintang Popular for eight consecutive years.

Their albums entitled Iqrar-1421, Intifada, Qiblat and Nostalgia Nada Murni, also won the Best Nasyid Album for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2009, respectively.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009